
Making Sense of The Audio Stack On Unix › blog › unix › 2021 › 02 › 07 › audio-stack.html

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Audio on Unix is a little zoo, there are so many acronyms for projects and APIs that it's easy to get lost. Let's tackle that issue! Most articles are confusing because they either use audio technical jargon, or because they barely scratch the surface and leave people clueless. A little knowledge can be dangerous.

In this article I'll try to bridge the gap by not requiring any prerequisite knowledge while also giving a good overview of the whole Unix audio landscape. There's going to be enough details to remove mysticism (Oh so pernicious in web bubbles) and see how the pieces fit.

Blockchain study finds 0.00% success rate and vendors don't call back when asked for evidence › 2018 › 11 › 30 › blockchain_study_finds_0_per_cent_success_rate

Three practitioners including erstwhile blockchain enthusiast John Burg, a Fellow at the US Agency for International Development (USAID), looked at instances of the distributed crypto ledger being used in a wide range of situations by NGOs, contractors and agencies. But they drew a complete blank.


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TinyLetter is a personal newsletter service brought to you by the people behind Mailchimp. People use it to send updates, digests, and dispatches to their fans and friends.

Though they're built on the same infrastructure, TinyLetter is for people who don't need all the business features that come along with Mailchimp. Simplicity is at the heart of everything we do at TinyLetter.

TinyLetter is a completely free service.

Sweden Solar System › en

The Sweden Solar System (SSS) is the world’s largest model of our planetary system. The Sun is represented by the Globe in Stockholm, the largest spherical building in the world, and the planets are lined up in direction north from here.

Distances and sizes are scaled according to 1:20 million, and the inner planets are all in the Stockholm area. The outer planets follow in the same direction with for instance Neptune in Söderhamn and the dwarf planet Pluto in Delsbo, 300 km from the Globe. A number of minor planets and comets also populate SSS, which now extends from the very south to the very north of Sweden. There is a host institution for each model. SSS is a pedagogical instrument and conveys a direct feeling of the enormous distances in space, and how small the planets are compared to the Sun. Art, mythology and science merge in this project, and SSS connects to different places and activities in Sweden.

I want a Computer that I Own › articles › computer-i-own.html

Instead, I have a computer that is designed largely to maximize the profits of the computer industry. Except for a handful of very over-priced models that I can't afford to buy, our computers are increasingly designed to be little more than advertising platforms and vehicles for maximizing the cloud revenues of their true owners: online data gatherers, advertisers, and cloud companies. Our computers have numerous hardware and software back doors that are designed to allow governments and corporations to spy on and track us around the Internet.

Safest Bet: Gold, Treasury Bonds, or Stocks? › blog › safest-bet

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You can see that for holding periods of less than 9 years the stock strategy is a lot more risky than the bond. However if your holding period exceeds 9 years the stock strategy is both, less risky and yielding better returns. Also notice that in long term, the width of the yield distribution for the stock strategy is about the same as for bonds, but overall it is located above bond yield distribution.

What does it all mean for regular folks that are trying to save for the retirement? Don't worry about whether the market is trending up or down, it's in a bubble or a recession is coming. You will never be able to time the market. But putting money in stocks and not touching them (other than reinvesting dividends) for long periods of time will ensure that your hard-earned money will not be lost, also giving you a chance to earn quite a healthy return - no downside and all the upside.