
Meduza reconstructs the Russian occupation of Bucha -- and debunks Kremlin lies about crimes against civilians › en › feature › 2022 › 04 › 08 › massacre-in-bucha

It's clear that the Kremlin's propagandists are trying to use the exact same playbook they used after Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was shot down in the Donbas in 2014. Immediately after the incident it wants to obscure, the Russian government puts forth a series of "alternative" explanations that contradict even one another ("Nobody actually died"; "Ukrainians themselves killed the civilians"). The goal is simple: to sow doubt and portray the truth as just one of a number of possible explanations. Manipulating public opinion using this method is easier in Russia than in the West, because in Russia, the Kremlin controls all of the major media outlets.

What Vladimir Putin misunderstood about Ukrainians › 1843 › 2022 › 04 › 04 › what-vladimir-putin-misunderstood-about-ukrainians

Ukrainians have reminded us what freedom means – a word that for many in rich democracies had long ago curdled into platitudes. The resilience of the population has impressed the West and surprised the Kremlin. It shouldn’t have. For the past few years I’ve been trying to unlock the secret of Ukrainian identity by talking to Ukrainians. Through my research project, Arena, based originally at the LSE and now at Johns Hopkins University, I’ve worked with Ukrainian journalists and sociologists to find ways of strengthening democracy. My team has interviewed thousands of adults across the country. Our fieldwork shows that the response to Russia’s invasion has deep roots in Ukrainian history.

Mikhail Khodorkovsky on how to deal with the "bandit" in the Kremlin › by-invitation › 2022 › 03 › 19 › mikhail-khodorkovsky-on-how-to-deal-with-the-bandit-in-the-kremlin

Part of the problem is that the current leaders of Western countries have never dealt with thugs. Their experience and education relate to interactions between statesmen. The principle of these people’s behaviour is that both sides concede to each other in the interests of their electorate or subjects. War is evil to them, and the use of force is a last resort.

This is not the case with Vladimir Putin. He was raised in the KGB, an organisation that relied on force and disregard for the law.

Vladimir Putin Has Fallen Into the Dictator Trap › ideas › archive › 2022 › 03 › putin-dictator-trap-russia-ukraine › 627064

If you live in a fake world long enough, it can start to feel real. Dictators and despots begin to believe their own lies, repeated back at them and propagated by state-controlled media. That might help explain why Putin's recent speeches have stood out as unhinged rants. It's certainly possible that his mind has succumbed to his own propaganda, creating a warped worldview in which the invasion of Ukraine was, as Trump put it, an incredibly "savvy" move.

Putin Proves There Are Worse Things Than American Power › ideas › archive › 2022 › 03 › putin-kremlin-imperialism-ukraine-american-power › 624180

Blaming America first became all too easy. After September 11, U.S. power was as overwhelming as it was uncontested. That it was squandered on two endless wars made it convenient to focus on America's sins, while underplaying Russia's and China's growing ambitions.

Seriously, stop using RSA › 2019 › 07 › 08 › fuck-rsa

This story seems to be about:

RSA is an intrinsically fragile cryptosystem containing countless foot-guns which the average software engineer cannot be expected to avoid. Weak parameters can be difficult, if not impossible, to check, and its poor performance compels developers to take risky shortcuts. Even worse, padding oracle attacks remain rampant 20 years after they were discovered. While it may be theoretically possible to implement RSA correctly, decades of devastating attacks have proven that such a feat may be unachievable in practice.

What three-card monte can teach you about NFTs › what-three-card-monte-can-teach-you-about-nfts

This story seems to be about:

This as been a challenge for the crypto back market. It's easy to get dirty money into crypto, but getting a significant amount out is hard. Most governments classify crypto as a security, so crypto exchanges must follow the same KYC laws as banks.

NFTs solve this problem nicely.


NFTs are instruments that act like securities, but are not regulated as securities.