Dawn Sturgess
BBC News
www.bbc.com › news › articles › ce8dxkz6yl2o
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In a wide-ranging interview with Laura Kuenssberg, Andrei Kelin also accuses the UK of “waging war” on Russia by supporting Ukraine.
BBC News
www.bbc.com › news › articles › cly64g37ev4o
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The Novichok victim was initially misdiagnosed, which meant a live-saving drug was not administered.
BBC News
www.bbc.com › news › articles › cm28gvvxvn6o
This story seems to be about:
Speaking to an inquiry, Dawn Sturgess' mum describes her daughter as 'funny, intelligent and kind'.
BBC News
www.bbc.com › news › articles › cm28gvvxvn6o
This story seems to be about:
Speaking to an inquiry, Dawn Sturgess' mum describes her daughter as 'funny, intelligent and kind'.
BBC News
www.bbc.com › news › articles › cy4dklyddkko
This story seems to be about:
A public inquiry examining the death of Dawn Sturgess has heard evidence from the former Russian spy.
BBC News
www.bbc.com › news › articles › cy4dklyddkko
This story seems to be about:
A public inquiry examining the death of Dawn Sturgess has heard evidence from the former Russian spy.
BBC News
www.bbc.com › news › articles › c5y902q0qp9o
This story seems to be about:
An independent inquiry will explore links between Dawn Sturgess' death and the Salisbury poisonings.
BBC News
www.bbc.com › news › articles › cly7pn07kk0o
This story seems to be about:
The inquiry will examine the circumstances leading to Ms Sturgess' death from a nerve agent.
BBC News
www.bbc.com › news › articles › c7564p41702o
This story seems to be about:
The former PM hopes the family of Dawn Sturgess will “take comfort” from the forthcoming inquiry.